package main import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "log" "os" "time" ) func main() { logo := color.Yellow.Sprint(" _____ ____________ _ _ _ \n") logo += color.Yellow.Sprint("| __ \\| ___ \\ ___ \\ (_) (_) | \n") logo += color.Yellow.Sprint("| | \\/| |_/ / |_/ / ___ ___ __ _ ___ _ _ __ _| |_ \n") logo += color.Yellow.Sprint("| | __ | /| ___ \\/ _ \\/ _ \\/ _` |/ _ \\ | | '_ \\| | __|\n") logo += color.Yellow.Sprint("| |_\\ \\| |\\ \\| |_/ / __/ __/ (_| | (_) | | | | | | | |_ \n") logo += color.Yellow.Sprint(" \\____/\\_| \\_\\____/ \\___|\\___|\\__, |\\___/ |_|_| |_|_|\\__|\n") logo += color.Yellow.Sprint(" __/ | \n") logo += color.Yellow.Sprint(" |___/ \n\n") logo += color.Blue.Sprint(" ------ by -------\n") //red := color.Red.Render //fmt.Println("how o %s", red(time.Now().Format(time.ANSIC))) fmt.Println(logo) app := cli.App{ Name: "beegoinit-cmd", Usage: "Create a new project with beego init", Commands: []*cli.Command{ { Name: "create", Aliases: []string{"c"}, Usage: "Create a new project with beego init", Action: cmd.New, }, { Name: "date", Aliases: []string{"d"}, Usage: "Print date", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { fmt.Println(time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339)) return nil }, }, }, } if err := app.Run(os.Args); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } }