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 _____ ____________                         _       _ _
|  __ \| ___ \ ___ \                       (_)     (_) |
| |  \/| |_/ / |_/ / ___  ___  __ _  ___    _ _ __  _| |_
| | __ |    /| ___ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _` |/ _ \  | | '_ \| | __|
| |_\ \| |\ \| |_/ /  __/  __/ (_| | (_) | | | | | | | |_
 \____/\_| \_\____/ \___|\___|\__, |\___/  |_|_| |_|_|\__|
                               __/ |

A flexsible and powerful command line tool to initialize beego framework


  1. 打开 go modules
export GO111MODULE=on
# or 
go env -w GO111MODULE=on
  1. 下载
go get golib.gaore.com/GaoreGo/beegoinit-cmd

How to run

{$GOPATH}/bin/beegoinit-cmd create 


~/go/bin/beegoinit-cmd create