This commit is contained in:
Alexey 2016-09-29 15:48:06 +00:00 committed by GitHub
commit 79f8c3e4c8
3 changed files with 49 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import: []
- package:

View File

@ -353,8 +353,9 @@ func (req *Request) Run() (*Response, error) {
if req.method != "HEAD" {
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &esResp)
if err != nil {
dec := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(body))
if err := dec.Decode(&esResp); err != nil {
return esResp, err
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &esResp.Raw)

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import (
. ""
var (
@ -21,7 +22,9 @@ var (
// Hook up gocheck into the gotest runner.
func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) }
func Test(t *testing.T) {
type GoesTestSuite struct{}
@ -735,6 +738,13 @@ func (s *GoesTestSuite) TestSearch(c *C) {
response, err := conn.Search(query, []string{indexName}, []string{docType}, url.Values{})
//Type of response.Hits.MaxScore is json.Number, and DeepEquals will return false,
// so we need to change it manualy
jsonNumberMaxScore, _ := response.Hits.MaxScore.(json.Number)
maxScore, _ := jsonNumberMaxScore.Float64()
response.Hits.MaxScore = maxScore
expectedHits := Hits{
Total: 1,
MaxScore: 1.0,
@ -825,9 +835,12 @@ func (s *GoesTestSuite) TestIndexStatus(c *C) {
expectedShards := Shard{Total: 2, Successful: 1, Failed: 0}
c.Assert(response.Shards, Equals, expectedShards)
primarySizeInBytes := response.Indices[indexName].Index["primary_size_in_bytes"].(float64)
sizeInBytes := response.Indices[indexName].Index["size_in_bytes"].(float64)
refreshTotal := response.Indices[indexName].Refresh["total"].(float64)
jsonPrimarySizeInBytes, _ := response.Indices[indexName].Index["primary_size_in_bytes"].(json.Number)
primarySizeInBytes, _ := jsonPrimarySizeInBytes.Float64()
jsonSizeInBytes, _ := response.Indices[indexName].Index["size_in_bytes"].(json.Number)
sizeInBytes, _ := jsonSizeInBytes.Float64()
jsonRefreshTotal, _ := response.Indices[indexName].Refresh["total"].(json.Number)
refreshTotal, _ := jsonRefreshTotal.Float64()
c.Assert(primarySizeInBytes > 0, Equals, true)
c.Assert(sizeInBytes > 0, Equals, true)
@ -1066,18 +1079,30 @@ func (s *GoesTestSuite) TestAggregations(c *C) {
c.Assert(user.Buckets()[1].Key(), Equals, "foo")
barAge := user.Buckets()[0].Aggregation("age")
c.Assert(barAge["count"], Equals, 1.0)
c.Assert(barAge["sum"], Equals, 30.0)
jCount, _ := barAge["count"].(json.Number)
countInt64, _ := jCount.Int64()
c.Assert(countInt64, Equals, int64(1))
jSum, _ := barAge["sum"].(json.Number)
sumFloat64, _ := jSum.Float64()
c.Assert(sumFloat64, Equals, 30.0)
fooAge := user.Buckets()[1].Aggregation("age")
c.Assert(fooAge["count"], Equals, 1.0)
c.Assert(fooAge["sum"], Equals, 25.0)
jCount, _ = fooAge["count"].(json.Number)
countInt64, _ = jCount.Int64()
c.Assert(countInt64, Equals, int64(1))
jSum, _ = fooAge["sum"].(json.Number)
sumFloat64, _ = jSum.Float64()
c.Assert(sumFloat64, Equals, 25.0)
age, ok := resp.Aggregations["age"]
c.Assert(ok, Equals, true)
c.Assert(age["count"], Equals, 2.0)
c.Assert(age["sum"], Equals, 25.0+30.0)
jCount, _ = age["count"].(json.Number)
countInt64, _ = jCount.Int64()
c.Assert(countInt64, Equals, int64(2))
jSum, _ = age["sum"].(json.Number)
sumFloat64, _ = jSum.Float64()
c.Assert(sumFloat64, Equals, 25.0 + 30.0)
func (s *GoesTestSuite) TestPutMapping(c *C) {
@ -1210,7 +1235,9 @@ func (s *GoesTestSuite) TestUpdate(c *C) {
response, err = conn.Get(indexName, docType, docId, url.Values{})
c.Assert(err, Equals, nil)
c.Assert(response.Source["counter"], Equals, float64(6))
jsonCounter, _ := response.Source["counter"].(json.Number)
counter, _ := jsonCounter.Float64()
c.Assert(counter, Equals, float64(6))
c.Assert(response.Source["user"], Equals, "foo")
c.Assert(response.Source["message"], Equals, "bar")