syntax = "proto2"; package api; import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto"; option go_package = ""; extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions { optional string raw_body = 50101; optional string query = 50102; optional string header = 50103; optional string cookie = 50104; optional string body = 50105; optional string path = 50106; optional string vd = 50107; optional string form = 50108; optional string js_conv = 50109; optional string file_name = 50110; optional string none = 50111; // 50131~50160 used to extend field option by hz optional string form_compatible = 50131; optional string js_conv_compatible = 50132; optional string file_name_compatible = 50133; optional string none_compatible = 50134; optional string go_tag = 51001; } extend google.protobuf.MethodOptions { optional string get = 50201; optional string post = 50202; optional string put = 50203; optional string delete = 50204; optional string patch = 50205; optional string options = 50206; optional string head = 50207; optional string any = 50208; optional string gen_path = 50301; // The path specified by the user when the client code is generated, with a higher priority than api_version optional string api_version = 50302; // Specify the value of the :version variable in path when the client code is generated optional string tag = 50303; // rpc tag, can be multiple, separated by commas optional string name = 50304; // Name of rpc optional string api_level = 50305; // Interface Level optional string serializer = 50306; // Serialization method optional string param = 50307; // Whether client requests take public parameters optional string baseurl = 50308; // Baseurl used in ttnet routing optional string handler_path = 50309; // handler_path specifies the path to generate the method // 50331~50360 used to extend method option by hz optional string handler_path_compatible = 50331; // handler_path specifies the path to generate the method } extend google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions { optional int32 http_code = 50401; // 50431~50460 used to extend enum option by hz } extend google.protobuf.ServiceOptions { optional string base_domain = 50402; // 50731~50760 used to extend service option by hz optional string base_domain_compatible = 50731; }