2024-04-30 19:30:09 +08:00

334 lines
9.4 KiB

* Copyright 2022 CloudWeGo Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package generator
import (
var DefaultDelimiters = [2]string{"{{", "}}"}
type TemplateConfig struct {
Layouts []Template `yaml:"layouts"`
const (
Skip = "skip"
Cover = "cover"
Append = "append"
type Template struct {
Default bool // Is it the default template
Path string `yaml:"path"` // The generated path and its filename, such as biz/handler/ping.go
Delims [2]string `yaml:"delims"` // Template Action Instruction Identifier, default: "{{}}"
Body string `yaml:"body"` // Render template, currently only supports go template syntax
Disable bool `yaml:"disable"` // Disable generating file, used to disable default package template
LoopMethod bool `yaml:"loop_method"` // Loop generate files based on "method"
LoopService bool `yaml:"loop_service"` // Loop generate files based on "service"
UpdateBehavior UpdateBehavior `yaml:"update_behavior"` // Update command behavior; 0:unchanged, 1:regenerate, 2:append
type UpdateBehavior struct {
Type string `yaml:"type"` // Update behavior type: skip/cover/append
// the following variables are used for append update
AppendKey string `yaml:"append_key"` // Append content based in key; for example: 'method'/'service'
InsertKey string `yaml:"insert_key"` // Insert content by "insert_key"
AppendTpl string `yaml:"append_content_tpl"` // Append content if UpdateBehavior is "append"
ImportTpl []string `yaml:"import_tpl"` // Import insert template
AppendLocation string `yaml:"append_location"` // AppendLocation specifies the location of append, the default is the end of the file
// TemplateGenerator contains information about the output template
type TemplateGenerator struct {
OutputDir string
Config *TemplateConfig
Excludes []string
tpls map[string]*template.Template // "template name" -> "Template", it is used get the "parsed template" directly
tplsInfo map[string]*Template // "template name" -> "template info", it is used to get the original "template information"
dirs map[string]bool
isPackageTpl bool
files []File
excludedFiles map[string]*File
func (tg *TemplateGenerator) Init() error {
if tg.Config == nil {
return errors.New("config not set yet")
if tg.tpls == nil {
tg.tpls = make(map[string]*template.Template, len(tg.Config.Layouts))
if tg.tplsInfo == nil {
tg.tplsInfo = make(map[string]*Template, len(tg.Config.Layouts))
if tg.dirs == nil {
tg.dirs = make(map[string]bool)
for _, l := range tg.Config.Layouts {
if tg.isPackageTpl && IsDefaultPackageTpl(l.Path) {
// check if is a directory
var noFile bool
if strings.HasSuffix(l.Path, string(filepath.Separator)) {
noFile = true
path := l.Path
if filepath.IsAbs(path) {
return fmt.Errorf("absolute template path '%s' is not allowed", path)
dir := filepath.Dir(path)
isExist, err := util.PathExist(filepath.Join(tg.OutputDir, dir))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("check directory '%s' failed, err: %v", dir, err.Error())
if isExist {
tg.dirs[dir] = true
} else {
tg.dirs[dir] = false
if noFile {
// parse templates
if _, ok := tg.tpls[path]; ok {
err = tg.loadLayout(l, path, false)
if err != nil {
return err
excludes := make(map[string]*File, len(tg.Excludes))
for _, f := range tg.Excludes {
excludes[f] = &File{}
tg.excludedFiles = excludes
return nil
func (tg *TemplateGenerator) loadLayout(layout Template, tplName string, isDefaultTpl bool) error {
delims := DefaultDelimiters
if layout.Delims[0] != "" && layout.Delims[1] != "" {
delims = layout.Delims
// insert template funcs
tpl := template.New(tplName).Funcs(funcMap)
tpl = tpl.Delims(delims[0], delims[1])
var err error
if tpl, err = tpl.Parse(layout.Body); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("parse template '%s' failed, err: %v", tplName, err.Error())
layout.Default = isDefaultTpl
tg.tpls[tplName] = tpl
tg.tplsInfo[tplName] = &layout
return nil
func (tg *TemplateGenerator) Generate(input interface{}, tplName, filepath string, noRepeat bool) error {
// check if "*" (global scope) data exists, and stores it to all
var all map[string]interface{}
if data, ok := input.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
ad, ok := data["*"]
if ok {
all = ad.(map[string]interface{})
if all == nil {
all = map[string]interface{}{}
all["hzVersion"] = meta.Version
file := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
if tplName != "" {
tpl := tg.tpls[tplName]
if tpl == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("tpl %s not found", tplName)
if err := tpl.Execute(file, input); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("render template '%s' failed, err: %v", tplName, err.Error())
in := File{filepath, string(file.Bytes()), noRepeat, tplName}
tg.files = append(tg.files, in)
return nil
for path, tpl := range tg.tpls {
var fd interface{}
// search and merge rendering data
if data, ok := input.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
td := map[string]interface{}{}
tmp, ok := data[path]
if ok {
td = tmp.(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range all {
td[k] = v
fd = td
} else {
fd = input
if err := tpl.Execute(file, fd); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("render template '%s' failed, err: %v", path, err.Error())
in := File{path, string(file.Bytes()), noRepeat, tpl.Name()}
tg.files = append(tg.files, in)
return nil
func (tg *TemplateGenerator) Persist() error {
files := tg.files
outPath := tg.OutputDir
if !filepath.IsAbs(outPath) {
outPath, _ = filepath.Abs(outPath)
for _, data := range files {
// check for -E flags
if _, ok := tg.excludedFiles[filepath.Join(data.Path)]; ok {
// lint file
if err := data.Lint(); err != nil {
return err
// create rendered file
abPath := filepath.Join(outPath, data.Path)
abDir := filepath.Dir(abPath)
isExist, err := util.PathExist(abDir)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("check directory '%s' failed, err: %v", abDir, err.Error())
if !isExist {
if err := os.MkdirAll(abDir, os.FileMode(0o744)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("mkdir %s failed, err: %v", abDir, err.Error())
err = func() error {
file, err := os.OpenFile(abPath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_RDWR, os.FileMode(0o755))
defer file.Close()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("open file '%s' failed, err: %v", abPath, err.Error())
if _, err = file.WriteString(data.Content); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("write file '%s' failed, err: %v", abPath, err.Error())
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
tg.files = tg.files[:0]
return nil
func (tg *TemplateGenerator) GetFormatAndExcludedFiles() ([]File, error) {
var files []File
outPath := tg.OutputDir
if !filepath.IsAbs(outPath) {
outPath, _ = filepath.Abs(outPath)
for _, data := range tg.Files() {
if _, ok := tg.excludedFiles[filepath.Join(data.Path)]; ok {
// check repeat files
logs.Infof("Write %s", data.Path)
isExist, err := util.PathExist(filepath.Join(data.Path))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("check file '%s' failed, err: %v", data.Path, err.Error())
if isExist && data.NoRepeat {
if data.FileTplName == handlerTplName {
logs.Warnf("Handler file(%s) has been generated.\n If you want to re-generate it, please copy and delete the file to prevent the already written code from being deleted.", data.Path)
} else if data.FileTplName == routerTplName {
logs.Warnf("Router file(%s) has been generated.\n If you want to re-generate it, please delete the file.", data.Path)
} else {
logs.Warnf("file '%s' already exists, so drop the generated file", data.Path)
// lint file
if err := data.Lint(); err != nil {
logs.Warnf("Lint file: %s failed:\n %s\n", data.Path, data.Content)
files = append(files, data)
return files, nil
func (tg *TemplateGenerator) Files() []File {
return tg.files
func (tg *TemplateGenerator) Degenerate() error {
outPath := tg.OutputDir
if !filepath.IsAbs(outPath) {
outPath, _ = filepath.Abs(outPath)
for path := range tg.tpls {
abPath := filepath.Join(outPath, path)
if err := os.RemoveAll(abPath); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("remove file '%s' failed, err: %v", path, err.Error())
for dir, exist := range tg.dirs {
if !exist {
abDir := filepath.Join(outPath, dir)
if err := os.RemoveAll(abDir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("remove directory '%s' failed, err: %v", dir, err.Error())
return nil