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liangzy 4 years ago
4 changed files with 736 additions and 0 deletions
  1. +9
  2. +33
  3. +554
  4. +140

+ 9
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.gitignore View File

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Created by .ignore support plugin (
### Example user template template
### Example user template

# IntelliJ project files

+ 33
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matcher.go View File

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
package grsync

import (

type matcher struct {
regExp *regexp.Regexp

func (m matcher) Match(data string) bool {
return m.regExp.Match([]byte(data))

func (m matcher) Extract(data string) string {
const submatchCount = 1
matches := m.regExp.FindAllStringSubmatch(data, submatchCount)
if len(matches) == 0 || len(matches[0]) < 2 {
return ""

return matches[0][1]

func (m matcher) ExtractAllStringSubmatch(data string, submatchCount int) [][]string {
return m.regExp.FindAllStringSubmatch(data, submatchCount)

func newMatcher(regExpString string) *matcher {
return &matcher{
regExp: regexp.MustCompile(regExpString),

+ 554
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rsync.go View File

@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
package grsync

import (

// Rsync is wrapper under rsync
type Rsync struct {
Source string
Destination string

cmd *exec.Cmd

// RsyncOptions for rsync
type RsyncOptions struct {
// Verbose increase verbosity
Verbose bool
// Quet suppress non-error messages
Quiet bool
// Checksum skip based on checksum, not mod-time & size
Checksum bool
// Archve is archive mode; equals -rlptgoD (no -H,-A,-X)
Archive bool
// Recurse into directories
Recursive bool
// Relative option to use relative path names
Relative bool
// NoImliedDirs don't send implied dirs with --relative
NoImpliedDirs bool
// Update skip files that are newer on the receiver
Update bool
// Inplace update destination files in-place
Inplace bool
// Append data onto shorter files
Append bool
// AppendVerify --append w/old data in file checksum
AppendVerify bool
// Dirs transfer directories without recursing
Dirs bool
// Links copy symlinks as symlinks
Links bool
// CopyLinks transform symlink into referent file/dir
CopyLinks bool
// CopyUnsafeLinks only "unsafe" symlinks are transformed
CopyUnsafeLinks bool
// SafeLinks ignore symlinks that point outside the tree
SafeLinks bool
// CopyDirLinks transform symlink to dir into referent dir
CopyDirLinks bool
// KeepDirLinks treat symlinked dir on receiver as dir
KeepDirLinks bool
// HardLinks preserve hard links
HardLinks bool
// Perms preserve permissions
Perms bool
// Executability preserve executability
Executability bool
// CHMOD affect file and/or directory permissions
CHMOD os.FileMode
// Acls preserve ACLs (implies -p)
ACLs bool
// XAttrs preserve extended attributes
XAttrs bool
// Owner preserve owner (super-user only)
Owner bool
// Group preserve group
Group bool
// Devices preserve device files (super-user only)
Devices bool
// Specials preserve special files
Specials bool
// Times preserve modification times
Times bool
// omit directories from --times
OmitDirTimes bool
// Super receiver attempts super-user activities
Super bool
// FakeSuper store/recover privileged attrs using xattrs
FakeSuper bool
// Sparce handle sparse files efficiently
Sparse bool
// DryRun perform a trial run with no changes made
DryRun bool
// WholeFile copy files whole (w/o delta-xfer algorithm)
WholeFile bool
// OneFileSystem don't cross filesystem boundaries
OneFileSystem bool
// BlockSize block-size=SIZE force a fixed checksum block-size
BlockSize int
// Rsh -rsh=COMMAND specify the remote shell to use
Rsh string
// RsyncProgramm rsync-path=PROGRAM specify the rsync to run on remote machine
RsyncProgramm string
// Existing skip creating new files on receiver
Existing bool
// IgnoreExisting skip updating files that exist on receiver
IgnoreExisting bool
// RemoveSourceFiles sender removes synchronized files (non-dir)
RemoveSourceFiles bool
// Delete delete extraneous files from dest dirs
Delete bool
// DeleteBefore receiver deletes before transfer, not during
DeleteBefore bool
// DeleteDuring receiver deletes during the transfer
DeleteDuring bool
// DeleteDelay find deletions during, delete after
DeleteDelay bool
// DeleteAfter receiver deletes after transfer, not during
DeleteAfter bool
// DeleteExcluded also delete excluded files from dest dirs
DeleteExcluded bool
// IgnoreErrors delete even if there are I/O errors
IgnoreErrors bool
// Force deletion of dirs even if not empty
Force bool
// MaxDelete max-delete=NUM don't delete more than NUM files
MaxDelete int
// MaxSize max-size=SIZE don't transfer any file larger than SIZE
MaxSize int
// MinSize don't transfer any file smaller than SIZE
MinSize int
// Partial keep partially transferred files
Partial bool
// PartialDir partial-dir=DIR
PartialDir string
// DelayUpdates put all updated files into place at end
DelayUpdates bool
// PruneEmptyDirs prune empty directory chains from file-list
PruneEmptyDirs bool
// NumericIDs don't map uid/gid values by user/group name
NumericIDs bool
// Timeout timeout=SECONDS set I/O timeout in seconds
Timeout int
// Contimeout contimeout=SECONDS set daemon connection timeout in seconds
Contimeout int
// IgnoreTimes don't skip files that match size and time
IgnoreTimes bool
// SizeOnly skip files that match in size
SizeOnly bool
// ModifyWindow modify-window=NUM compare mod-times with reduced accuracy
ModifyWindow bool
// TempDir temp-dir=DIR create temporary files in directory DIR
TempDir string
// Fuzzy find similar file for basis if no dest file
Fuzzy bool
// CompareDest compare-dest=DIR also compare received files relative to DIR
CompareDest string
// CopyDest copy-dest=DIR ... and include copies of unchanged files
CopyDest string
// LinkDest link-dest=DIR hardlink to files in DIR when unchanged
LinkDest string
// Compress file data during the transfer
Compress bool
// CompressLevel explicitly set compression level
CompressLevel int
// SkipCompress skip-compress=LIST skip compressing files with suffix in LIST
SkipCompress []string
// CVSExclude auto-ignore files in the same way CVS does
CVSExclude bool
// Stats give some file-transfer stats
Stats bool
// HumanReadable output numbers in a human-readable format
HumanReadable bool
// Progress show progress during transfer
Progress bool
// 端口
Port int
// 密钥文件
PasswordFile string
// Info
Info string

// ipv4
IPv4 bool
// ipv6
IPv6 bool

// StdoutPipe returns a pipe that will be connected to the command's
// standard output when the command starts.
func (r Rsync) StdoutPipe() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
return r.cmd.StdoutPipe()

// StderrPipe returns a pipe that will be connected to the command's
// standard error when the command starts.
func (r Rsync) StderrPipe() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
return r.cmd.StderrPipe()

// Run start rsync task
func (r Rsync) Run() error {
if !isExist(r.Destination) {
if err := createDir(r.Destination); err != nil {
return err

if err := r.cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return err

return r.cmd.Wait()

// NewRsync returns task with described options
func NewRsync(source, destination string, options RsyncOptions) *Rsync {
arguments := append(getArguments(options), source, destination)
return &Rsync{
Source: source,
Destination: destination,
cmd: exec.Command("rsync", arguments...),

func getArguments(options RsyncOptions) []string {
arguments := []string{}
if options.Verbose {
arguments = append(arguments, "--verbose")

if options.Checksum {
arguments = append(arguments, "--checksum")

if options.Quiet {
arguments = append(arguments, "--quiet")

if options.Archive {
arguments = append(arguments, "--archive")

if options.Recursive {
arguments = append(arguments, "--recursive")

if options.Relative {
arguments = append(arguments, "--relative")

if options.NoImpliedDirs {
arguments = append(arguments, "--no-implied-dirs")

if options.Update {
arguments = append(arguments, "--update")

if options.Inplace {
arguments = append(arguments, "--inplace")

if options.Append {
arguments = append(arguments, "--append")

if options.AppendVerify {
arguments = append(arguments, "--append-verify")

if options.Dirs {
arguments = append(arguments, "--dirs")

if options.Links {
arguments = append(arguments, "--links")

if options.CopyLinks {
arguments = append(arguments, "--copy-links")

if options.CopyUnsafeLinks {
arguments = append(arguments, "--copy-unsafe-links")

if options.SafeLinks {
arguments = append(arguments, "--safe-links")

if options.CopyDirLinks {
arguments = append(arguments, "--copy-dir-links")

if options.KeepDirLinks {
arguments = append(arguments, "--keep-dir-links")

if options.HardLinks {
arguments = append(arguments, "--hard-links")

if options.Perms {
arguments = append(arguments, "--perms")

if options.Executability {
arguments = append(arguments, "--executability")

if options.ACLs {
arguments = append(arguments, "--acls")

if options.XAttrs {
arguments = append(arguments, "--xattrs")

if options.Owner {
arguments = append(arguments, "--owner")

if options.Group {
arguments = append(arguments, "--group")

if options.Devices {
arguments = append(arguments, "--devices")

if options.Port > 0 {
arguments = append(arguments, fmt.Sprintf("--port=%d", options.Port))

if options.Specials {
arguments = append(arguments, "--specials")

if options.Times {
arguments = append(arguments, "--times")

if options.OmitDirTimes {
arguments = append(arguments, "--omit-dir-times")

if options.Super {
arguments = append(arguments, "--super")

if options.FakeSuper {
arguments = append(arguments, "--fake-super")

if options.Sparse {
arguments = append(arguments, "--sparse")

if options.DryRun {
arguments = append(arguments, "--dry-run")

if options.WholeFile {
arguments = append(arguments, "--whole-file")

if options.OneFileSystem {
arguments = append(arguments, "--one-file-system")

if options.BlockSize > 0 {
arguments = append(arguments, "--block-size", strconv.Itoa(options.BlockSize))

if options.Rsh != "" {
arguments = append(arguments, "--rsh", options.Rsh)

if options.RsyncProgramm != "" {
arguments = append(arguments, "--rsync-programm", options.RsyncProgramm)

if options.Existing {
arguments = append(arguments, "--existing")

if options.IgnoreExisting {
arguments = append(arguments, "--ignore-existing")

if options.RemoveSourceFiles {
arguments = append(arguments, "--remove-source-files")

if options.Delete {
arguments = append(arguments, "--delete")

if options.DeleteBefore {
arguments = append(arguments, "--delete-before")

if options.DeleteDuring {
arguments = append(arguments, "--delete-during")

if options.DeleteDelay {
arguments = append(arguments, "--delete-delay")

if options.DeleteAfter {
arguments = append(arguments, "--delete-after")

if options.DeleteExcluded {
arguments = append(arguments, "--delete-excluded")

if options.IgnoreErrors {
arguments = append(arguments, "--ignore-errors")

if options.Force {
arguments = append(arguments, "--force")

if options.MaxDelete > 0 {
arguments = append(arguments, "--max-delete", strconv.Itoa(options.MaxDelete))

if options.MaxSize > 0 {
arguments = append(arguments, "--max-size", strconv.Itoa(options.MaxSize))

if options.MinSize > 0 {
arguments = append(arguments, "--min-size", strconv.Itoa(options.MinSize))

if options.Partial {
arguments = append(arguments, "--partial")

if options.PartialDir != "" {
arguments = append(arguments, "--partial-dir", options.PartialDir)

if options.DelayUpdates {
arguments = append(arguments, "--delay-updates")

if options.PruneEmptyDirs {
arguments = append(arguments, "--prune-empty-dirs")

if options.NumericIDs {
arguments = append(arguments, "--numeric-ids")

if options.Timeout > 0 {
arguments = append(arguments, "--timeout", strconv.Itoa(options.Timeout))

if options.Contimeout > 0 {
arguments = append(arguments, "--contimeout", strconv.Itoa(options.Contimeout))

if options.IgnoreTimes {
arguments = append(arguments, "--ignore-times")

if options.SizeOnly {
arguments = append(arguments, "--size-only")

if options.ModifyWindow {
arguments = append(arguments, "--modify-window")

if options.TempDir != "" {
arguments = append(arguments, "--temp-dir", options.TempDir)

if options.Fuzzy {
arguments = append(arguments, "--fuzzy")

if options.CompareDest != "" {
arguments = append(arguments, "--compare-dest", options.CompareDest)

if options.CopyDest != "" {
arguments = append(arguments, "--copy-dest", options.CopyDest)

if options.LinkDest != "" {
arguments = append(arguments, "--link-dest", options.LinkDest)

if options.Compress {
arguments = append(arguments, "--compress")

if options.CompressLevel > 0 {
arguments = append(arguments, "--compress-level", strconv.Itoa(options.CompressLevel))

if len(options.SkipCompress) > 0 {
arguments = append(arguments, "--skip-compress", strings.Join(options.SkipCompress, ","))

if options.CVSExclude {
arguments = append(arguments, "--cvs-exclude")

if options.Stats {
arguments = append(arguments, "--stats")

if options.HumanReadable {
arguments = append(arguments, "--human-readable")

if options.Progress {
arguments = append(arguments, "--progress")

if options.IPv4 {
arguments = append(arguments, "--ipv4")

if options.IPv6 {
arguments = append(arguments, "--ipv6")

if options.Info != "" {
arguments = append(arguments, "--info", options.Info)

if options.PasswordFile != "" {
arguments = append(arguments, "--password-file", options.PasswordFile)

return arguments

func createDir(dir string) error {
cmd := exec.Command("mkdir", "-p", dir)
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return err
return cmd.Wait()

func isExist(p string) bool {
stat, err := os.Stat(p)
return os.IsExist(err) && stat.IsDir()

+ 140
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task.go View File

@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
package grsync

import (

// Task is high-level API under rsync
type Task struct {
rsync *Rsync

state *State
log *Log

// State contains information about rsync process
type State struct {
Remain int `json:"remain"`
Total int `json:"total"`
Speed string `json:"speed"`
Progress float64 `json:"progress"`

// Log contains raw stderr and stdout outputs
type Log struct {
Stderr string `json:"stderr"`
Stdout string `json:"stdout"`

// State returns inforation about rsync processing task
func (t Task) State() State {
return *t.state

// Log return structure which contains raw stderr and stdout outputs
func (t Task) Log() Log {
return Log{
Stderr: t.log.Stderr,
Stdout: t.log.Stdout,

// Run starts rsync process with options
func (t *Task) Run() error {
stderr, err := t.rsync.StderrPipe()
if err != nil {
return err
defer stderr.Close()

stdout, err := t.rsync.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
return err
defer stdout.Close()

go processStdout(t, stdout)
go processStderr(t, stderr)

return t.rsync.Run()

// NewTask returns new rsync task
func NewTask(source, destination string, rsyncOptions RsyncOptions) *Task {
// Force set required options
rsyncOptions.HumanReadable = true
rsyncOptions.Partial = true
rsyncOptions.Progress = true
rsyncOptions.Archive = true

return &Task{
rsync: NewRsync(source, destination, rsyncOptions),
state: &State{},
log: &Log{},

func processStdout(task *Task, stdout io.Reader) {
const maxPercents = float64(100)
const minDivider = 1

progressMatcher := newMatcher(`\(.+-chk=(\d+.\d+)`)
speedMatcher := newMatcher(`(\d+\.\d+.{2}\/s)`)

// Extract data from strings:
// 999,999 99% 999.99kB/s 0:00:59 (xfr#9, to-chk=999/9999)
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(stdout)
for scanner.Scan() {
logStr := scanner.Text()
if progressMatcher.Match(logStr) {
task.state.Remain, task.state.Total = getTaskProgress(progressMatcher.Extract(logStr))

copiedCount := float64(task.state.Total - task.state.Remain)
task.state.Progress = copiedCount / math.Max(float64(task.state.Total), float64(minDivider)) * maxPercents

if speedMatcher.Match(logStr) {
task.state.Speed = getTaskSpeed(speedMatcher.ExtractAllStringSubmatch(logStr, 2))

task.log.Stdout += logStr + "\n"

func processStderr(task *Task, stderr io.Reader) {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(stderr)
for scanner.Scan() {
task.log.Stderr += scanner.Text() + "\n"

func getTaskProgress(remTotalString string) (int, int) {
const remTotalSeparator = "/"
const numbersCount = 2
const (
indexRem = iota

info := strings.Split(remTotalString, remTotalSeparator)
if len(info) < numbersCount {
return 0, 0

remain, _ := strconv.Atoi(info[indexRem])
total, _ := strconv.Atoi(info[indexTotal])

return remain, total

func getTaskSpeed(data [][]string) string {
if len(data) < 2 || len(data[1]) < 2 {
return ""

return data[1][1]
