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  1. # note: call scripts from /scripts
  2. GOCMD=GO111MODULE=on go
  3. LOCALCMD=/usr/local
  4. linters-install:
  5. @golangci-lint --version >/dev/null 2>&1 || { \
  6. echo "installing linting tools..."; \
  7. curl -sfL| sh -s v1.21.0; \
  8. }
  9. lint: linters-install
  10. $(LOCALCMD)/bin/golangci-lint run
  11. fmt:
  12. $(GOCMD) fmt ./...
  13. vet:
  14. $(GOCMD) vet ./.
  15. test:
  16. $(GOCMD) test -cover -race ./...
  17. bench:
  18. $(GOCMD) test -bench=. -benchmem ./...