# Gearman API for golang This module is Gearman API for golang. It was implemented a native protocol for both worker and client API. Copyright 2012 Xing Xing All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file. # INSTALL This will install the client: > $ go get bitbucket.org/mikespook/gearman-go/gearman/client This will install the worker: > $ go get bitbucket.org/mikespook/gearman-go/gearman/worker This will install the client and the worker automatically: > $ go get bitbucket.org/mikespook/gearman-go # SAMPLE OF USAGE ## Worker > $ cd example > $ go build worker > $ ./worker ## Client > $ cd example > $ go build client > $ ./client # Code format > $ gofmt -spaces=true -tabwidth=4 -w=true -tabindent=false $(DIR) # Contacts xingxing http://mikespook.com http://twitter.com/mikespook