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Adding basic iconv unit tests and an untested (yet) writer implementation

Donovan Jimenez 13 years ago
2 changed files with 201 additions and 0 deletions
  1. +116
  2. +85

+ 116
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iconv_test.go View File

@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
package iconv

import (

type iconvTest struct {
description string
input string
inputEncoding string
output string
outputEncoding string
bytesRead int
bytesWritten int
err Error

var iconvTests = []iconvTest {
"simple utf-8 to latin1 conversion success",
"Hello World!", "utf-8",
"Hello World!", "latin1",
12, 12, nil,
"invalid source encoding causes EINVAL",
"", "doesnotexist",
"", "utf-8",
0, 0, EINVAL,
"invalid destination encoding causes EINVAL",
"", "utf-8",
"", "doesnotexist",
0, 0, EINVAL,
"invalid input sequence causes EILSEQ",
"\xFF", "utf-8",
"", "latin1",
0, 0, EILSEQ,
"invalid input causes partial output and EILSEQ",
"Hello\xFF", "utf-8",
"Hello", "latin1",
5, 5, EILSEQ,

func TestConvertString(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range iconvTests {
// perform the conversion
output, err := ConvertString(test.input, test.inputEncoding, test.outputEncoding)
// check that output and err match
if output != test.output {
t.Errorf("test \"%s\" failed, output did not match expected", test.description)
// check that err is same as expected
if err != test.err {
if test.err != nil {
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("test \"%s\" failed, got %s when expecting %s", test.description, err, test.err)
} else {
t.Errorf("test \"%s\" failed, got nil when expecting %s", test.description, test.err)
} else {
t.Errorf("test \"%s\" failed, got unexpected error: %s", test.description, err)

func TestConvert(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range iconvTests {
// setup input buffer
input := []byte(test.input)
// setup a buffer as large as the expected bytesWritten
output := make([]byte, 50)
// peform the conversion
bytesRead, bytesWritten, err := Convert(input, output, test.inputEncoding, test.outputEncoding)
// check that bytesRead is same as expected
if bytesRead != test.bytesRead {
t.Errorf("test \"%s\" failed, bytesRead did not match expected", test.description)
// check that bytesWritten is same as expected
if bytesWritten != test.bytesWritten {
t.Errorf("test \"%s\" failed, bytesWritten did not match expected", test.description)
// check output bytes against expected - simplest to convert output to
// string and then do an equality check which is actually a byte wise operation
if string(output[:bytesWritten]) != test.output {
t.Errorf("test \"%s\" failed, output did not match expected", test.description)
// check that err is same as expected
if err != test.err {
if test.err != nil {
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("test \"%s\" failed, got %s when expecting %s", test.description, err, test.err)
} else {
t.Errorf("test \"%s\" failed, got nil when expecting %s", test.description, test.err)
} else {
t.Errorf("test \"%s\" failed, got unexpected error: %s", test.description, err)

+ 85
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writer.go View File

@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
package iconv

import (

type Writer struct {
destination io.Writer
converter *Converter
buffer []byte
readPos, writePos int
err os.Error

func NewWriter(destination io.Writer, fromEncoding string, toEncoding string) (*Writer, os.Error) {
// create a converter
converter, err := NewConverter(fromEncoding, toEncoding)

if err == nil {
return NewWriterFromConverter(destination, converter), err

// return the error
return nil, err

func NewWriterFromConverter(destination io.Writer, converter *Converter) (writer *Writer) {
writer = new(Writer)

// copy elements
writer.destination = destination
writer.converter = converter

// create 8K buffers
writer.buffer = make([]byte, 8 * 1024)

return writer

func (this *Writer) emptyBuffer() {
// write new data out of buffer
bytesWritten, err := this.destination.Write(this.buffer[this.readPos:this.writePos])
// update read position
this.readPos += bytesWritten
// slide existing data to beginning
if this.readPos > 0 {
// copy current bytes - is this guaranteed safe?
copy(this.buffer, this.buffer[this.readPos:this.writePos])

// adjust positions
this.writePos -= this.readPos
this.readPos = 0

// track any reader error / EOF
if err != nil {
this.err = err

// implement the io.Writer interface
func (this *Writer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err os.Error) {
// write data into our internal buffer
bytesRead, bytesWritten, err := this.converter.Convert(p, this.buffer[this.writePos:])
// update bytes written for return
n += bytesRead
this.writePos += bytesWritten
// checks for when we have a full buffer
for this.writePos > 0 {
// if we have an error, just return it
if this.err != nil {
// else empty the buffer
return n, err
